Phisher is a Wireless and Ethernet security testing tool written in Python Programming Language and the Python Qt GUI library. The program is able to emulate access points , conduct Phishing and Penetration Testing Attacks including the creation of a fare AP Network for Testing Purposes.

The particularity of this Tool is that includes an entire Section for Credentials Fetching and allows the Creation of a Fake DNS Server, Access Point, HTTP and DHCP Server.

Credential Fetching Method:

 Operating System Supported:         

>> Ubuntu KDE/GNOME

>> BackTrack Linux

>> BackBox Linux

>> Prerequisites

The Program requires thus packages:

>> Aircrack-NG

>> Python-Scapy

>> Python Qt4

>> Python

>> Subversion

>> Xterm

>> Metasploit Framework (Optional)

You can install it using following Command:
"apt-get install program"

In Debian, you can use following Command:
root@host:~# dpkg -i ghost-phisher_1.5_all.deb


>> HTTP Server
>> Inbuilt RFC 1035 DNS Server
>> Inbuilt RFC 2131 DHCP Server
>> Webpage Hosting and Credential Logger (Phishing)
>> Wifi Access point Emulator
>> Session Hijacking (Passive and Ethernet Modes)
>> ARP Cache Poisoning (MITM and DOS Attacks)       -----------> 

>> Penetration using Metasploit Bindings
>> Automatic credential logging using SQlite Database
>> Update Support

Download Link:
New version 1.52 is available 
Project Source Code:
root@host:~# svn checkout 


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